Friday, September 16, 2011

Week 2.... redo!

This week has been one crazy week.  From major family drama Sunday night, that quickly turned into Monday morning (everything’s going ok now) to my living room light shorting out, thankfully when I was at home so it didn't result in a fire!  Since this week was so crazy I basically didn't get any of the goals done, I cleaned the bathroom, but not as often as I wanted, I did drink lots of water, although primarily trying to get rid of the migraine I had for a few days (with a houseful of boys it was difficult to beat!), I did call and lower my TV etc bill (goal from week one), and even saved more by finding a brand new answering machine at a resale shop!  Going to bed early just didn't happen, after getting off schedule Sunday night (family stuff) just wasn't disciplined.... and basically all the goals were like that, so instead of starting week 3's goals, I'm taking a week to get week 2's done and part of my routine before I get farther behind!  My goal for this adventure was not to feel guilty about not doing what I planned but to slowly make changes, so I am going to forget this last week even happened, and restart week 2!

So here are week 2's goals:
Chore: Main Bathroom
           Keep picked up
           Daily Wipe down
           Mop Sunday and Thursday

Health: Walk Charlie
              At least one square block daily

Time Management:  No going back to sleep after get up in morning
                                     No even sitting until load of dishes done, inc. any needing away

Budget: Run dishwasher fuller/better
                Less loads equals less soap, power, and water

I am going to add to it one thing, to make at least 3 things for the craft fair I'm hoping to be involved in, if I'm even going to be close to having enough things to sell by the time it comes, I need to get into hyper drive! 

So here goes week 2 (again!)

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